Global Partners supports a number of special projects, each of which is designed to meet a specific need and transform lives through the gospel.
When you give to a specific project, you help sustain the work Global Partners is doing to share the gospel with people who don’t know Jesus. You partner with local believers, churches and missionaries so that even more people can hear the gospel and have access to hope-filled life with Jesus.

WM06-1638 Developing New Fields
This fund is to assist in developing new fields. Funds will be used for exploration and developing new partnerships and workers for new fields and other related expenses.

GPHN Impact Fund
Global Partners Health Network (GPHN) exists to amplify the healing power of The Wesleyan Church by helping native churches bring restoration to their communities through the support of medical missions.

WM06-1495 Amplified Leaders Fund
From Nepal, Cambodia, and Mongolia, to Mozambique, Zambia, Sierra Leone, Ghana, Uganda, and El Salvador – through the giving of so many faithful partners, leaders are being equipped all around the world!
As a result of fundraising efforts over the past nine months, $67,866 has been raised to bring relief to our brothers and sisters in Manipur. These funds have been making a significant difference – praise God!
These funds have blessed refugees with sleeping bags, blankets, food, clothing and so on. Now, in addition to the continuation of these provisions, the hope is to be able to provide funds to give the children in the camps an education. For more information on what is taking place in Manipur, visit this page.