Providing Practical Care and the Good News
Twenty-five percent of the world’s population (equating to over two billion people) lives in South Asia – a region of the world where each country faces various pressures from majority religious groups.
Christianity in South Asia continues to be confronted with antagonistic attitudes, as more laws are created to restrict the ability to receive outside support through Christian missionaries or funds. There is concern that the Church in South Asia could be cut off from outside help, so The Wesleyan Church is in a race to prepare national leaders to do their own training and to lead the Church toward becoming self-sustaining.
And still, because of the work of our Almighty God, the Church is growing! In order for the Church in South Asia to thrive and continue spreading the gospel, there needs to be ways of blessing the community through meeting practical needs. In doing so, the influence of Christianity can begin to take root naturally and legally.
The South Asia Social Development Program, under the direction of Rev. Joshe Bose, former National Superintendent of The Wesleyan Church of Bangladesh, is setting out to help make this possible – one project at a time.
As part of its efforts, the development program has created the “Love Your Neighbor Corporation,” an entity independent of The Wesleyan Church, allowing it to function freely. With the program’s underlying Christian influence, communities and the Church will be cared for and can continue expanding.
The development program was inspired by the work of “Love Your Neighbor – Bangladesh.” Originally founded by his late brother John Bose in 2005, Rev. Joshe led the program from 2010-2022. Over time, the Bangladesh program grew to have five preschools, 20 children’s education centers, a boys’ orphanage, two cyclone shelters, and ongoing efforts to work with orphans, children, youth and women.
When Rev. Tom*, a Global Partners missionary, first arrived in South Asia and saw what was being accomplished through caring for the communities in Bangladesh, he felt that this model was necessary for South Asia as a whole.
After Rev. Joshe’s difficult decision to step down as National Superintendent in 2022, Rev. Tom* and Rev. Joshe began to dream together, eventually leading to the birth of the “Love Your Neighbor Corporation – South Asia” (LYN).
“He was the right person because social development is his passion … Joshe is a man of integrity who believes in holiness … What did I see in Rev. Joshe? An answer to prayer, the man of God’s own choosing,” Rev. Tom* wrote.
As the Director of the South Asia Social Development Program, we can see Rev. Joshe’s passion in these three projects.
LYN Projects
1. Community Relief: Violence erupted in Manipur, India in May 2023 when Hindu radical groups, targeting tribal Christians, burned hundreds of churches, thousands of Christian homes and destroyed whole villages. Since the start of this violence, more than 60,000 people have been displaced.
Rev. Joshe prepared a project with the Regional District Superintendent in Manipur to support The Wesleyan Church and the Christian communities for one year with a $141,000 budget.
“Many people extended their generosity and became interested in the needs of Manipur,” Rev. Joshe wrote. The impact is
immeasurable, as The Wesleyan Church of Manipur was able to extend service by providing every support to save the lives of community people.”
2. Opening a new mission field: The country of A* in South Asia is fundamentally against Christianity and strictly forbids evangelism. Through a new project, the hope is to enter and establish a new work in A* using false teeth!
This LYN project hopes to reach citizens of A* by training individuals in a neighboring country to become dental prosthesis technicians, while also equipping them with evangelism and church planting skills. Then, they’ll return to A* and begin in communities under God’s leading. Joshe hopes to start this project early next year.
3. Community Development – Agriculture: Joshe explained that nearly 9-10,000 farmers are dying by suicide every year in India because of debt and poverty. The project will work through a Wesleyan church to equip farmers with practical proven agricultural methods, while also incorporating the good news of the gospel.
This project is seeking approval and then the necessary funding. The hope is to begin this work in central India by 2025!
Looking Ahead
Today, Rev. Joshe said his heart breaks when he sees people suffering. And his commitment and vision to serve the suffering comes from the Lord, through serving.
Ben Ward, the Global Partners Asia-Pacific area director, sees this service through LYN as obedience to the Lord’s commands. “Jesus commanded us both to preach the gospel and to love our neighbor. When we serve those in need, we are serving Jesus,” he wrote.
Rev. Joshe invites everyone to join in praying for the complete transformation of the believers and the communities in South Asia.
“Our dream is to establish a self-supported church. So please join us in prayer and generosity for ongoing partnerships with community development organizations, missional churches and even any mission-hearted individuals,” he wrote.
Anyone is welcome to join in these efforts, whether it be through promoting the work, committed prayer or volunteering. Email Heather at heather.auker@gponline.org for more information.