Leading Peers to Reach the Unreached

Leading Peers to Reach the Unreached

Inspiring and equipping the next generation to go where God is calling them is a necessary piece of reaching the unreached across the globe. Oftentimes, this means connecting with college age students. So what better way for Global Partners to have an increased presence on college campuses, than by creating roles for Student Mobilizers?

Over the past four years, this idea has gone from starting with one Student Mobilizer on one campus, to having a Student Mobilizer on each of the five Wesleyan campuses. James, director of mobilization, explained that these student mobilizers get their peers excited about NEXT and about missions in general.

Jackie Fussner, regional mobilizer, said that’s exactly what she loves about Student Mobilizers. “It’s peer to
peer. They can inspire and encourage each other in their journeys as peers and as friends.”

As the school year ramps up and these Student Mobilizers are hitting the ground running, take a peek into who we have repping GP this year!


Why did you want to become a student mobilizer?

Sarah Rider: I feel that not only is God maybe calling me into cross-cultural missions but that He calls each of us to be aware of what He is doing in the world and to take part in it. I wanted to get involved with groups on campus that were focused on global missions since this was something I grew up aware of, but wanted to learn more about and take part in.

Silje van Gooswilligen: All my life I have had a passion for mission. My parents are missionaries for the Salvation Army, and for that reason I have lived in many different countries … I want other people to have the same opportunities as I have had. I want to share with them the great opportunities that Global Partners offers and show them how God can work through them globally.


What does this role look like for you, at your school?

Ariela Nettleton: I love talking to students by meeting over coffee. This is the biggest way I can connect students to NEXT.

Nito Slack: At my school I spend most of my time as a student mobilizer meeting with prospective interns. This is possibly my favorite part of my job because I love meeting new people and learning their stories. To help support this I often try to find creative ways to promote NEXT on campus and connect with students.


What are some takeaways for you?

Sarah: I continue to learn the importance of mobilization in the global missions movement. I have become bolder in reaching out to others (although I still have plenty of room for growth there) and more passionate about missions in general.

Ariela: I have enjoyed seeing God call people to go. I have met some students through mobilization that I probably never would have met otherwise.


Why is this role important?

Sarah: Many are wanting to know more about missions or maybe haven’t realized that is what God is calling them to, and they need someone to point out opportunities to them.

Silje: Being a student mobilizer is in a way, a piece of a puzzle that leads a person closer to what God is calling them to do. This role is part of fulfilling the Great Commission, which is honestly the most important responsibility we as Christians have.

Nito: Student Mobilizers are important because we exist to introduce prospective interns to a program that will shape and challenge them as they grow in their faith … Our regional mobilizers do an amazing job at connecting with prospective interns and sometimes we can fill in the gaps with some boots on the ground.


What are you looking forward to in this role this school year?

Nito: During the next school year I am looking forward to being able connect with new and old students about NEXT.

Silje: This school year I am looking forward to getting to know the freshmen and see if I can get them just as excited for missions as I am … I’m definitely excited to see what God has in store for the fourth-year students and if any of them will go o n a GP NEXT internship.


How can people be praying for you as you start a new school year in this role?

Sarah: For boldness in reaching out to others and starting new relationships!

Ariela: I would appreciate prayer over stress and anxiety this year. It will be a busy year.

Silje: I would definitely appreciate if people could pray that in my role God could show me who I should be investing my time into… I would like prayers for time management so I could do my best in everything that I do.

Nito: I would greatly appreciate prayers for eyes that are quick to see those in need, hands that are ready to serve, a voice that proclaims the good news, and a heart that looks like that of Christ.