Would you join me for a quick pop quiz? What do prospective missionaries identify as the greatest hurdle they face in order to say yes to God’s call to reach the unreached?
- The difficulty of missing friends and family.
- The struggle of raising financial support.
- The challenge of adapting to a new culture and language.
- An unsupportive family.
New missionaries face all these challenges and manymore. However, I was surprised when Global Partners surveyed prospective missionaries and found that the number one hurdle identified was raising their financial support. Just like the rest of us — insurance, utilities, rent, food — it all adds up. Our new missionaries go through an extensive application and training process to be approved as cross-cultural disciple makers, but the hurdle of raising their financial support is the most daunting.
Over the last several months, a small group of people began to address this problem by raising a matching fund specifically for new missionaries. The New Missionary Accelerator just awarded grants of $45,000, split between ten new missionaries. What’s even more incredible is that those funds were then matched by churches, friends, and family members. That means, in the month of February 2021, our newest wave of missionaries got a $90,000 boost!
Thank You! I feel so incredibly blessed, and God showed up in a big way.
My support team responded to this challenge, and I more than doubled the $5,000 matching grant. That means God provided over $15,000 in just one month. No doubt that’s all God — he continually blows my mind!
— Amanda Banter (new missionary on her way to the Czech Republic)
Every missionary develops a support team that becomes a lifeline of prayer, encouragement, and financial support. Building a support team is an incredible challenge, but it’s also one of the greatest joys. It’s a humbling experience to have a team of people stand with you to enable you to do what God has called you to. The New Missionary Accelerator adds fuel to that fire!
From Cambodia, the Czech Republic, Haiti, and even the Middle East, this new group of ten will be serving among unreached peoples. Their focus is clear: sharing the love of Jesus . . . making disciples who multiply! Together we can see the next generation of new missionaries sent out to unreached parts of the world. Join me by investing in the New Missionary Accelerator. Let’s do this!
To give to the New Missionary Accelerator Project go to https://gponline.org/new-missionary-accelerator