Global Marketplace Multipliers are Christians serving in the marketplace intentionally engaging in global disciple-making
Are you interested in one of these, or do you know someone who might be?

Already working outside of North America

Getting ready to work outside of North America

Looking to be transferred to another country

Open to seeking a job in another country

A flexible career, able to live most anywhere

Interested in launching a new business in another country

Studying abroad outside of North America

Tell us how your work might get you involved
At just 15, I felt God speaking to my heart saying that the Great Commission in Matthew 28 was for me. I wanted to go right then to the mission field. But my dad told me he wanted me to get some kind of practical skill with which I could support my family. I was discouraged by the delay that further education would cause to my missionary service. One stormy night, while asking God what my practical skill should be, I felt He told me, ‘Do not love in word or tongue only, but love with actions and in truth.’ I felt him call me to be a physician, and to use medicine as a bridge to friendship with people so that I could tell them about Jesus even in a place where traditional missionaries couldn’t go. I’m so grateful for the way that my Father in Heaven led me to serve, being a doctor. And I am grateful for the many thousands of people who have come to know God through Jesus because of the use of a practical global marketplace multiplier skill.


Want to have a conversation to learn more about how this might fit you? Contact us here.
How does this work fit into the bigger mission?
Global Marketplace Multipliers don’t work alone. They are part of a broader strategy of establishing relationships, making disciples, developing leaders, advancing stability, and multiplying movements. At Global Partners we call this the “5 Phases” that move the mission forward.

Sydney Subway God-Story
I had recently moved abroad for my work as an engineer, and I'm trying to intentionally live as a Global Marketplace Multiplier. In the process, I have been seeking for a church in my new home in Sydney,...
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Global Marketplace Multipliers need your support. Would you offer your prayer support and generous partnership for this mission-critical work around the world?

What does a Global Marketplace Multiplier (GMM) do?
A GMM is a Christian with skills and a viable profession in the global economy who lives in a country where they intentionally reach out cross-culturally to build relationships, share their faith, and engage in global disciple-making. GMMs are expected to 1) participate in some essential preparation training, 2) pursue recommended training and support that meets their unique needs, 3) maintain relationships with other GMMs and international mission workers in their region, and 4) build redemptive relationships with nationals in the country they are working in. GMMs do not need to pay anything into the Global Partners sending agency.
What does Global Partners provide for a Global Marketplace Multiplier?
- Regional Conferences/Retreats with other international mission workers for ongoing training, relationship, and support
- Connection to the holistic strategy of Global Partners in-country or region so the GMM work is not disconnected from multi-generational global disciple-making and church development
- A GP Resource Team that exists to serve, support, and equip international mission workers but can also recommend resources for GMMs
- Networking with other GMMs in similar trades, in similar regions, or from other sending agencies
- Connection to missionaries who bring extensive cross-cultural experience and wisdom about the vital tasks of relationship building, evangelism, and disciple-making
- Job location and placement training and services from our partners (for those looking for work globally with an eye toward becoming a GMM)
- Cross-cultural, missiological, and onboarding training before starting the life of a GMM and moving to another country
- Affirmation and commissioning for the work of a GMM
What is a Global Marketplace Multiplier’s relationship to other more mainstream ways of missionary sending?
Global Partners welcomes GMMs as a part of a broader strategy to encourage the sending of international mission workers from everywhere to everywhere, with a particular eye toward the 4 in 10 who do not have access to the Gospel. We believe it takes all kinds of such workers to reach all kinds of people. So we are looking for dynamic and creative ways for GMMs to work together in tandem with long-term missionaries and other sent ones from around the world who can dovetail with the GMM’s work. Long-term missionaries in many cases would have been in-country long before, and potentially long after, a GMM is present. So it makes sense to maximize the GMM effort by tying into the missionary effort.
Who is not a good fit for this Global Marketplace Multiplier sending?
- Someone who does not have marketable skills in the global economy. Sometimes you have a trade that works well in your country but not in the country to which you are seeking to go. Having a sustainable career in another country while employed by a company there, is a foundational part of being a GMM.
- Those who wish to work for a non-profit organization or NGO. While these kinds of international mission workers are essential, they are another kind of partner in their work than a GMM and often work in tandem with missionaries already in-country.
- Missionaries who want to find creative access into a country but don’t want their marketplace work to be the better part of their day. The Global Partners mainstream missionary mobilization already provides paths for creative access where the missionary can spend the better part of their day in non-marketplace work.