Exciting Introductions
As the new year begins, we want to introduce you to Global Partners missionaries who were appointed in 2024! Please join us in praying for them. If you’re interested in learning more about them or supporting them, please contact us at info@gponline.org.
Max* and Laura* — Karis People
Max* and Laura* are praising God for becoming fully funded. Plus, their 2-year-old is potty trained and their 8-month-old is almost sleeping through the night. Hallelujah!
“We are looking forward to being in a community where we can be an ambassador for Christ. We are so excited to learn all that God has for us as we move overseas.”
Prayer Points:
- Pray for this season of transition
- For God’s peace as they move to a new culture
- For more of God’s heart for the Karis people
SL* — South Asia
SL* is praising the Lord for the fulfillment of His promises. She felt Him call her to missions at age 16, and has waited as He brought clarity and next steps into her view over the past few years.
“I am most looking forward to getting to use what I have learned from my classes on the field! I went to school for ministry, and just graduated with my bachelor’s in December 2024!”
Prayer Points:
- Pray for the logistics of her transition onto the field (apartment, visa etc.)
- For her family she’s leaving behind
Michelle* and Jeremy* — The Balkans
Michelle* and Jeremy* are praising God for His faithfulness. 2024 was full of unexpected transitions, and God faithfully led every step of the way.
“We are most looking forward to arriving on site and getting settled in our new home. We believe God is working out all of the details to get connected with locals and to begin life-long friendships.”
Prayer Points:
- For the training they will be attending this month
- For their team leaders who will be preparing for their arrival
- For connections with the right landlords, tutors and friends in The Balkans
- That God softens the hearts and minds of everyone they meet
Jessa* — Central Europe
Jessa* is praising God for friends (new and old) that she has had the joy of spending time with since graduating from college.
“I’m looking forward to discovering what new adventures and learning opportunities the Lord will put in my path over the next year and beyond!”
Prayer Points:
- For her fundraising efforts
- For preparation to move
- That she will make good use of this in-between phase, and when the time comes, that she’ll be able to transition well
Mickey Veach – Japan
Mickey is praising God for being a promise-keeper. He is thankful that when God gives a calling, He doesn’t expect us to shoulder 100% of the responsibility.
“I turn 30 in January so it’s a new decade and era for me. Fitting that it be the year I leave for Japan.”
Prayer Points:
- He is in the homestretch of his Partnership Development
- He will soon be taking the Perspective course and will shift into training in Colorado over the summer
- All of the logistics it’ll take to get him to the field – like getting his visa
Haley Quarandillo – Cambodia
Haley is praising God His intentional, unwavering love. She is deeply thankful for His care and for the purpose He has for each of us.
“This year I am looking forward to meeting new people and continuing to walk with Jesus!”
Prayer Points:
- She is taking her Perspectives course this month
- That she would find a balance between working, raising funds and taking the Perspectives course
Nito Slack – Cambodia
Nito is praising God for the ways He continues to open doors to share the Good News, even while fundraising!
“I am most looking forward to learning more about how God is drawing the people of Cambodia to Himself. On my vision trip to the field, I was able to see a small part of how this is taking place, but I am very excited to begin to see more of how He is at work in Southeast Asia.”
Prayer Points:
- For the ability to effectively communicate why giving is an important part of one’s faith
- That through conversations about giving, the Lord would reveal more of His character to Nito and to potential partners
Beau – South Asia
Beau is praising God for his family. In the midst of competing with his son in Duolingo, their conversations have become a mix of English and Spanish. He’s thankful that his son is seeing God in ways that he hadn’t at his age.
“Seeing (my family’s) love for their friends from other cultures, the way they love them, the way they advocate for them, the way they seek to welcome them. I’m looking forward to seeing how God uses them to be the Body of Christ.”
Prayer Points:
- That God would keep Beau and his family focused on Him
- That they would abide and remain in Him (John 15:4)
Miranda* — Turkic-Arabic Area
Miranda* is praising God for all the ways that He has provided. Even though she can’t see the whole picture, God has given her enough to say “yes” and keep walking forward.
“This year I am excited to become fully funded and to attend pre-field training!”
Prayer Points:
- Endurance in Partnership Development
- For the Turkic-Arabic team as they continue to grow together
- For a united vision for this field
Paul and Sarah Gorsline – Nicaragua
Paul and Sarah are praising God for their partnership with Family Life Wesleyan Church in Williamston, Michigan. They also praise God for all who support them through prayer, friendship and financial support.
“We are graciously looking forward to traveling to new churches, meeting new people, developing new friendships and sharing our vision for missionary work in Nicaragua.”
Prayer Points:
- That they will learn, grow and trust God with the financial support they need
- For their preparation to share the love of God and His gospel in Nicaragua
*Names changed due to security guidelines. Karis, The Balkans, South Asia, Central Europe and Turkic- Arabic Area are pseudonyms for our fields with higher security.