You Have a Role

in reaching the unreached

You have experienced the life-changing, transforming power of Jesus, and you want others to have the same opportunity.

Here’s what you can do:


Make a gift that can be used where it will have the greatest impact in reaching the 4 in 10.


Deepen your involvement by praying for the unreached, encouraging missionaries and even experiencing ministry first-hand.

Leave a

Include a gift to Global Partners in your will or estate plans and leave a lasting legacy that will create access to the gospel.

More than 4 in 10 people live without access to the gospel.

We all have a role in reaching them!

Too much is at stake to not be involved

When you think about the billions of people who don’t have access to the Bible, the Church, or other believers, do you feel

discouraged, burdened or surprised?

As Christians, God commissioned us to make disciples of all nations. Sometimes, the magnitude of this task can feel paralyzing. But it doesn’t have to stop us in our tracks.

Imagine a world where everyone has access to the gospel

The truth is, God doesn’t commission us without empowering us. He gives each of us a role to play in this extraordinary task to share the gospel.

Some of us go, some of us equip — and we can all give.

When you give generously, it has a ripple effect. From disciples making disciples to churches planting churches, the gospel can spread from everywhere to everywhere — until everyone has access to life with Jesus.

“I came that they may have life,
and have it abundantly.”
JOHN 10:10

More Ways to Give

Give to
a project

Give to
a missionary

Give through
Team Amplify

Give through
Intended Support

Give through
a stock transfer

Give through
a grain gift

“Global Partners makes it easy to connect with missionaries and national leaders from around the world. We share stories from the field in messages and worship services. We visit and care for partners when they are in the states. We pray for individuals in other countries that have now come to Christ and are leading. We’ve learned how to share Christ better in our own context! The reciprocal relationship between GP and All Shores is one of the best partnerships we have!”

Thad S. | Outreach Pastor | All Shores Wesleyan

“What comes to my mind is SOLID – a safe and solid place to stand behind and partner with.

I have given and supported and loved Global Partners for over 50 years. I have seen for myself the impact my giving has had on the fields. I have seen our missionaries loved. I have seen people get saved and be discipled. Wow, I get excited just thinking of all the stories and witnessing the impact of Global Partners.

I cannot help all the folks around the world I would like to reach, but an organization like Global Partners allows me to help a whole lot more. I can’t wait to get to Heaven someday to see for myself how many people were helped and came to know Christ because I was able to be a part of Global Partners.”

Pat and Jeff S.

“Eternities are impacted when you support the Home Team (Global Partners). Around the world, preachers are being trained, churches are being built, and the mission to go into all the world is being fulfilled. Not only are we saving lives and changing lives, but we are also leading people into eternal life. And that happens because Wesleyans have supported the Home Team.”


Denn G. | Lead Pastor | Cornerstone Wesleyan Church

“We have always been interested in and supportive of missions. We’ve seriously supported missionaries for 30 years, and we’ve partnered with Global Partners missionaries for over half that time. 

We learned firsthand how important support is when we had the chance to go to Paraguay for two years and had to raise most of our support. We soon learned how dependent missionaries are on partners back home being consistent in their financial support. We saw this again among our missionary friends when we taught in Taiwan for seven years. 

It is a privilege to support folks who have given up the American way of life to go live in a foreign culture. If you are not supporting missionaries, PLEASE get involved regardless of the amount you can give. Every penny counts!”

Wayne and Bev W. 

“Why do we partner with Global Partners in training pastors overseas through giving, serving, equipping, and encouraging? Pretty simple really. In view of eternity, and above all else, people need the truth. They need the Gospel. A pastor dedicated to preaching the Gospel and growing others in discipleship will impact countless individuals for good over a lifetime of ministry.


Global Partners is a trustworthy Bible-based organization with over 100 years of facilitating ways for lay people to help others around the world improve their lives physically and mentally as well as spiritually. Partnering with GP makes the best use of our resources, of God’s resources.”


Kent and Hannah P.

Thank you for playing an active role in the Great Commission until everyone, everywhere has access to life with Jesus!

Giving FAQs

When you give to Global Partners, we want you to know exactly how your gift will be used. We are committed to be transparent so you can be confident in the integrity and impact of your gift.
How will my gift be used?

When you give generously to Global Partners’ projects and missionaries, you help reach the 4 in 10 people who currently don’t have access to the gospel. We desire to be open and transparent in the stewardship of gifts entrusted to us.

100% of donations received by Global Partners are used in fulfilling the mission, vision and mandate of Global Partners.

  • Projects: 88% of every dollar goes directly to the completion of the project and a 12% Administrative Fee is assessed to the project.
  • Missionaries: A monthly Resourcing Fee is assessed to missionary support funds. This is 10% of all donations and a fixed amount of $280 per adult.
What are the Administrative Fees and Resourcing Fees used for?

The Global Partners’ Resource Team equips missionaries and helps them stay focused on the mission by caring for training, financial management and leadership development. The Resource Team also helps missionaries and their families stay connected while maintaining physical, emotional and spiritual health so they can serve with resilience.

Administrative Fees provide responsible management, accounting, planning and support for every Global Partners project.

How will I know my gift is making an impact?

When you give to Global Partners, you help sustain the work that Global Partners is doing to share the gospel all over the world. More people will have an opportunity to experience the transforming power of Jesus!

But don’t just take our word for it. Every month, you can receive global stories in your inbox. Read how the gospel is spreading from one, to some, to many! Get the stories here! Or email to learn more about how your gift specifically is making a difference.

If you partner with a missionary or want to deepen your connection with missionaries, you can receive their personal updates. You can contact the missionary directly or email to get connected.

And check out the Global Update at the end of every year to celebrate how God is moving and hope is spreading among the unreached.

What is a typical ministry budget for a Global Partners missionary?

Every Global Partners missionary has an approved ministry budget for which they raise funds. Because missionaries serve in many different countries and contexts, their needs vary. Ministry budgets reflect these unique differences. You can view the amount of monthly support still needed on the missionary’s fund page.

What happens if I need to change or discontinue my recurring gift?

To cancel a recurring gift, log in to your donor account and select MY RECURRING GIVING from the top navigation. Choose the recurring gift you want to cancel. On the details page, click Cancel then Save. Canceled gifts will terminate immediately.

To change the payment information for a recurring gift, first log in to your donor account and make sure the new payment method is stored in My Payment Methods. Then, select MY RECURRING GIVING from the top navigation. Choose the recurring gift for which you want to update payment information. On the details page, click the dropdown in the top right and select Change Payment Method. Click the payment method you would like to use for the recurring gift. The payment method will be updated immediately.

Who can I contact if I have questions about my giving or donor account?

You can reach out to Donor Services at or 317-774-3944.

Are all gifts tax deductible?
All donations made through Global Partners are tax-deductible and will receive a tax-deductible receipt. However, cash, checks or personal gifts given directly to missionaries are not tax-deductible and will not receive a tax-deductible receipt.