Sydney Subway God-Story

Sydney Subway God-Story


I had recently moved abroad for my work as an engineer, and I’m trying to intentionally live as a Global Marketplace Multiplier. In the process, I have been seeking for a church in my new home in Sydney, Australia. I had only been here a few weeks, and since I...
Culture Shock in Reverse

Culture Shock in Reverse


There is a lot said about culture shock when you move to another country. After the initial excitement and interest the new culture affords, the culture shock can hit you on a very deep and daily level. This shock is part of what makes moving overseas feel daunting...
Meeting Macedonia

Meeting Macedonia


This is a story from Sabina, a Global Partners missionary kid who grew up in the Eastern European country of Macedonia. Now she attends Asbury University where she is studying Screenwriting and Creative Writing. We asked Sabina to write a short story about her life...