Planting Seeds of Faith
*D is a fairly new Global Partners missionary. Upon his international move in the summer of 2023, he will be serving the Nune people with plans to help with church planting and potentially working with youth aged kids. In the meantime, he is currently seeking prayer and financial partners as he connects with churches, families, individuals and anyone else who wants to hear more. As he continues to prepare for global ministries, he shared a conversation he had with a current co-worker below.
A few weeks ago, I was able to spend a day working alongside a coworker, which is not typical for me. *E is openly not Christian, but occasionally has questions about my faith.
On this day, we were under the hot sun within feet of each other for many hours. As we worked, we had lots of time for conversation and soon *E was asking question after question about my plans of moving overseas. I was glad to share and to listen as he explained feeling turned off by the church.
Finally, *E asked two questions I was excited to answer with hopes that he might see a glimpse of how Christ loves us. The first was, “What is your goal in moving overseas?” I shared our hope that all would experience an eternal, loving relationship with Jesus Christ – a relationship that is available to us right now, no matter what we’re facing in our lives. I added this is not a one-sided relationship, we can speak to Him, confident that He is listening and He speaks to us too.
*E followed with another question, “I understand you feel some kind of calling, but why go to Central Asia?” If you’ve heard my story, you know why I love that question (if you haven’t heard it, ask me)! I shared the incredible story of how God clearly called me to the Nune people and how He has repeatedly confirmed this, leaving no question of where He wants me to serve. After my answer, *E was shocked! After a moment he stumbled through his response, “No matter what anyone believes, there is no question a higher power is leading you.”
That day, I saw a seed of faith planted. Where will this seed of faith lead *E? I don’t know, but in those moments, he recognized an aspect of God he may not have seen before. He left that conversation confident that God does speak to us in very clear ways. In *E’s own words, there is no question that a higher power is leading, and we know that “higher power” is our God, the one and only!