More than 4 in 10 people

live without access to the Gospel.

We exist to reach them.



The Gospel

No one should have to live without the hope of Jesus.

Today, more than 4 in 10 people live without access to the gospel. That’s billions of people — including entire communities, cities and regions — who don’t know Jesus. Most have never read the Bible, worshiped with a church or spoken with a Christ follower.

Everyone deserves to hear the good news about Jesus Christ!

But how can they call on him to save them unless they believe in him?
And how can they believe in him if they have never heard about him?
And how can they hear about him unless someone tells them?
ROMANS 10:14

What’s Your Role?

Stepping into such a monumental task can feel paralyzing — but it doesn’t have to stop us in our tracks. Because when God commissions us, He also empowers us. And we all have a role in His mission.

As a financial partner, you can fuel the mission so even more people can be reached with the gospel.


As a missionary, you can share the gospel with people who have never heard it.
As a partner in prayer, you can strengthen and multiply the spread of the gospel.

Join the Global Partners movement and play an active role in the Great Commission until everyone, everywhere has access to life with Jesus.

From one…to Many

The truth is, every single person who comes to know and share Jesus can make an enormous impact.

That’s why our work is in the ripples — from one, to some, to many.

We take a strategic approach to launching and growing local churches in global communities. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, the result is a ripple effect of disciples making disciples and churches planting churches, until the gospel is spread from everywhere to everywhere.

“You will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you;

and you will be my witnesses, telling people about me everywhere—

in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria,

and to the ends of the earth.”

ACTS 1:8

We take a prayerful and strategic approach to reach the 4 in 10.

Inspiration for your inbox

When you join the Global Partners movement, you join Christ in His mission to reach everyone, everywhere.

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Read how the gospel is spreading from one, to some, to many!

Equipping missionaries for 130 years!

We know that reaching the 4 in 10 who live without access to the gospel is a challenging task. But the reality is, 4 in 10 people will never know about the hope-filled life they can have with Jesus until they have an opportunity to hear and respond to the gospel.

In order for our on-the-ground missionaries to be as effective as possible, we believe they need integral care including:


Our ever-changing, radical new world requires creativity, faith and perseverance. For over 130 years, we have trusted the Holy Spirit to lead us in innovative approaches to reach the unreached. And we continue to rely on this foundation for our work today.
With a professional Resource Team, our missionaries’ training, financial management and leadership development are cared for with excellence. Furthermore, we partner with the International Wesleyan Church to maximize our impact globally.
Critical resources are offered to help missionaries and their families stay connected while maintaining physical, emotional and spiritual health so they can serve with resilience.